Monday, September 15, 2008

Nathalia Edenmont

Russian photographer Nathalia Edenmont is noted for killing and stuffing mice, rabbits and cats, among other animals, for the purpose of photographing them adorned with aristocratic collars, mounted perfectly on angelic pedestals or worn as finger puppets. Being described as beautiful, haunting and occasionally kitsch, Edenmont’s work sets itself apart from other art due to the simple shock factor that the subjects are dead. If she feels like cleverly replacing the stamen of a flower with an eyeball, an animal dies. This process might gain her infamy and possible financial stability, but the balance of life is tedious at best, and the fact that the animal world is in no way benefiting from her success, is somewhat deplorable. I imagine that some would enjoy viewing her work anyway, however, I find it much more intelligent if she had made it herself.

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